Pink Eye Specialist

Great Neck Opticians

Optometry located in Great Neck, NY

Pink eye is one of the most common eye problems, and if the cause is viral conjunctivitis, it’s very contagious. If you or your child has pink eye, be sure to schedule an appointment as soon as possible at Great Neck Opticians in Great Neck, New York. Expert optometrists Yelena Pinkhasova, OD, and Eleonora Tamayeva, OD, quickly relieve the symptoms of pink eye and help to prevent it from spreading. Call the office today or use the online booking tool at any time.

Pink Eye Q & A

What is pink eye?

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition that causes inflammation and swelling in your conjunctiva, the thin layer of tissue that lines your eyelids and the whites of your eyes. The inflammation causes the whites of your eyes to look pink or red. That’s because the blood vessels in your conjunctiva are visible.

Though there are several causes and types of pink eye, the most common is viral conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis is very contagious, about as contagious as the common cold, and it often affects children and people who work with children. Bacteria and allergies can cause similar conjunctivitis symptoms.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis can affect one or both eyes. In addition to redness, these symptoms include:

  • Swelling
  • Increased tear production
  • Irritation, itching, or burning
  • A feeling that something is stuck in your eye
  • Crust or discharge, which usually forms overnight and may make opening your eyes in the morning difficult

Most cases of conjunctivitis are mild, easily treatable, and don’t cause vision damage. Still, it’s a good idea to have your optometrist take a look if your eyes become red and irritated, especially because you may have a contagious infection.

Sometimes, a bloodshot appearance is a sign of a more serious eye condition. Be sure to schedule an appointment at Great Neck Opticians if you notice any changes to your vision.

How is pink eye treated?

Treatment for pink eye depends in part on what’s causing it. Bacterial conjunctivitis responds to antibiotic eye drops, but if you have viral conjunctivitis, you need to allow time for the virus to run its course. If you have allergic conjunctivitis, your optometrist may help you to avoid your triggers and may prescribe anti-allergy eye drops.

Your optometrist also helps you to deal with your symptoms while you address what’s causing them. At-home care for pink eye includes:

  • Keeping your eyes clean
  • Preventing dryness by using over-the-counter “artificial tears” eye drops
  • Not wearing contact lenses while you have symptoms and throwing out the pair you were wearing when your symptoms started
  • Applying a warm compress to the affected eye for a few minutes 3-4 times a day

This approach can significantly improve symptoms within a few days, though you may be contagious longer than that.

How can I stop pink eye from spreading?

While viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious, meaning you can infect others, it’s also preventable.

When you get treatment for pink eye at Great Neck Opticians, your optometrist determines when you or your child can go back to work, school, or daycare and is happy to provide a note and document your condition with photographs. As a general rule, you’re no longer contagious when discharge and eye inflammation are no longer visible, which usually takes 3-7 days.

It’s understandable that you wouldn’t be able to take that much time off. Even if you have symptoms, good hygiene practices can stop the spread of pink eye, including:

  • Washing your hands
  • Not touching or rubbing your eyes
  • Never sharing towels or washcloths
  • Changing your pillowcases often
  • Never sharing cosmetics, towels, or blankets

Schedule an appointment for pink eye treatment at Great Neck Opticians online or over the phone.